The Beauhorn "b"

Dealers Who Sold Beauhorn

  They might not have Beauhorns for sale now but they are our kind of audio gear dealers. Please Note: This content is from the original Beauhorn site and is dated. We are posting it for informational use only. Beauhorn® in America We get a

Legacy Links

  Old and archived. Good luck with them! Here are some informative and relevant links which you might like to try, especially if you’re into building your own horns (good luck): Many of these links go to the Internet Archive Wayback Machine. Expect some links

Of Horn Loudspeakers and Single-Ended amplifiers

  by David Wright Unlike sealed-box loudspeakers, where behaviour can be modelled accurately within a computer programme, and bass-reflex types, which can be closely approximated, no such treatment is available for horn loading. Indeed, their behaviour has still to be completely analysed, while their interactions

Lowther C Series driver

A chat about Lowther drivers

Lowther drivers and horns We had an interesting telephone conversation recently with a gentleman in Hong Kong. Basically, he wanted to know why we had chosen to use the Lowther ‘C’ range (ceramic magnets) drivers in our Virtuosos, rather than the ‘A’ range (Alnico magnets).

London Hi-Fi Show Report, 1999

  1999 23/26 September [Read the Stereo Times review of the Show. Adnam Arduman said “This was one of the very good sounds of the show…” Was he talking about Beauhorn? You bet!] IT WAS A GREAT SUCCESS for Beauhorn The new venue, the Novotell,

Bristol Sound & Vision Show

Bristol Hi-Fi Show 2000 Report

The Bristol show has grown in strength and popularity in recent years, so we thought we’d make an appearance this year. It was a good decision, and apart from the ten minutes when someone kindly locked the public out, we were busy the whole time.

Beauhorn Obligato Amplifier

Obligato & Virtuoso Reviews

These review extracts were found on archived versions of but the links to their sources cannot always be found. Hi-Fi News, January 1999 by Steve Harris Reviewing the single-ended power amplifier. “… works well with the Thomas Virtuosos…” ” …lives up to the Thomas blurb, which

Listener Magazine logo

Virtuoso Gold Review: Ear Waxings

Listener Magazine, USA July/August, 2000 by Chris Beeching “From a long term point of view the Beauhorns are very easy to live with. Once you’ve got used to their looks [he calls them ‘Victorian’ – we like to think they’re more Edwardian] you can treat