Dealers Who Sold Beauhorn


They might not have Beauhorns for sale now but they are our kind of audio gear dealers.

Please Note: This content is from the original Beauhorn site and is dated. We are posting it for informational use only.

Beauhorn® in America

We get a steady stream of enquiries from the USA “where can I hear your ‘speakers over here?” Well, we’re pleased to tell our friends in the ‘states’ that Sounds of Silence, Nashua, New Hampshire can demo the Virtuoso Reference speaker. Contact them for more information:

Telephone: (603) 888-5104
[email protected],

Ambience Audio, Windham, CT.
Phone/fax 860-456-7744; or email: [email protected]

Beauhorn® in Greece

Athens based The Music Box can demonstrate a range of valve amplifiers and our Virtuoso speakers at 19a Mitsaki Street.
Tel/fax: 01 202 4755. Just ring for an appointment.

Beauhorn® in Malaysia

LF Musical Audio of Penang , West Malaysia, who carry the world famous Kondo Ongaku amplifiers, have now been appointed sole Malaysian distributors for our Virtuosos.

They are located at 7- C, Jalan Tanjong Tokon 10470, Penang.
Tel/Fax: 604-8902751.
email: [email protected]

Beauhorn® in England

London: The Audio Consultants, Camden, 0207 380 0866
Edinburgh: The Music Mill, 0131 555 3963
S. London/N. Kent Musical Images, Beckenham, 0208 663 3777