Beauhorn Virtuoso Loudspeaker Review
Hi-Fi + Magazine, UK, June/July 2000
by Paul Messenger
“The midband is what you notice straight away here, and even though there’s good detail well into the treble, the combination of excellent mid balance and perspectives alongside quite startling dynamic tension and realism, is what makes the Virtuoso something rather special. …”the ability to make real sense of subtle and dense orchestral textures completely won over my partner (who also thought they looked great).
“Although the bandwidth is inevitably better suited to acoustic material …I often found the speakers bringing an extra dimension to much heavier modern material, thanks to the superb timing and dynamics. This speaker has quite magnificent dynamics. A lack of serious bass is the normal hall mark of a small speaker, but the Virtuoso doesn’t sound in the least ‘small’. Its impressive level tracking somehow seems to provide compensation, creating a realistically ‘big’ sound.
“The dynamic range isn’t just wide, it’s both stable and effortless, and all the more natural as a result.
…”The bottom line is the way they encourage you to forget about the hi-fi and re-explore your music collection, getting into all sorts of new stuff along the way… The Beauhorn Virtuosos simply manage to make music of all kinds more interesting and involving than conventional speakers.”